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Dental News in Edmonton

Eating Right For Oral Health

If you’re brushing your teeth every day, it can be easy to go no further where thinking about your oral health is concerned. The truth about our teeth is that they are subject to the cumulative impact of our diet and lifestyle. That means that everything that we introduce to

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Caring for Baby Teeth

Babies are so cute with their big curious eyes and their toothless grins. But it isn’t long before these little treasures start to show the signs of teething that will usher them into life with the many teeth that they will need to support their health and nutrition. Although some

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Aging and Your Teeth

Our teeth are just like any other part of the body. As we age, changes occur that have us wondering when things happened. When did all these gray hairs appear? When did I start losing muscle mass? When did activities that were so easy to perform when I was young

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